
Album - Ägare: kervennic - 150 föremål
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nov 22, 2013
aug 07, 2021
aug 07, 2021
aug 07, 2021
aug 07, 2021
aug 07, 2021
aug 07, 2021
Hus 1
aug 07, 2021
no dig bed 4
I make heavy use of natural wool (bought from my neighboor and my cousin who used to farm).  It is a wonder material (slugs defense, rooting, shaddowing ...)
jun 03, 2020
bed 3 june 3
batavia, beans courgette and pea, all in planned succession (batavia and pea are to be harvested in the coming weeks then  courgette and beans take over)
jun 03, 2020
bed 2 june 3
I have to put sticks because this place is absolutely full of feral cats and they would use my bands as toilet  during the night and destroy everything if i do not use wood sticks and branches... Hunters used to cull those cats but there are no hunters left...
jun 03, 2020
no dig bands june 3
jun 03, 2020
Another schooling on the west side with tree shaddow, perfect for cabbage and early lettuce. For large plant, I still use plastic and clay container.  For smaller plants, I use wooden crates. I cover the bottom of the tray with cardboard or wool (I bought wool in big bags from local farmer, i use it…
maj 18, 2020
I am trying to get rid of plastic (and bad paper). I started making wooden crates, but I still have to improve that. In the  meantime I use commercial crates that I get from the market (becomes harder every year, this is why i invest time in designing future boxes myself). I foud that one can use pu…
maj 18, 2020
PLant schooling 2020. I do not have a green house. As I do not want to use plastic, I am now building warm beds with glass windows, which takes time and will be ready next year. In The meantime I use my stove for germination and put them outside as soon as temperature in the sun is clearly over 20.…
maj 18, 2020
No dig example of a permanent band (there are flowers on the front and a fruit tree in the middle of the band). On both side are strawberies. In the middle are mache salade (vit) that have been rewilded (every year for four years i let them flower and use them has a biomass cover, they are germinati…
maj 15, 2020
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