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Författare Ämne:  Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?  (läst 8548 gånger)

Fanny Forager

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Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« skrivet: 10 jun-12 kl 20:29 »

Please forgive my English, my Swedish is terrible! The language is difficult for me to grasp...let alone Swedish botany :) I love this site, it is a wealth of information.  But thank goodness for Google Translate ;)

I have tried and tried to find somewhere that sells food-grade alcohol and vegetable glycerine for herbal tincture preparations.  I make many herbal tinctures and forgive me, but vodka is so very expensive here! ;)  Is there anywhere, online shopping is ok, to purchase food grade alcohol and/or vegetable glycerine?  I also make herbal honeys, does anyone know of any place or website in SE that sells bulk, organic honey? 3-5 kg maybe?

Thank you in advance for any and all assistance, it is very much appreciated! :)


  • Inlägg: 5562
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 10 jun-12 kl 20:42 »
Yes, you can import alcohol via the Internet, at least from another EU country. But you must pay Swedish tax on your purchase and you must inform the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket) before you place your order. So it's a bit tricky. Maybe it's easier after all to get your vodka from the Systembolaget. Try the Brännvin Special, it works well for tinctures.

Or, go to Germany and buy cheap booze... you can take large quantities back to Sweden with no problems (not sure if that goes for non-Swedish citizens, though).

edit: Information (in Swedish) here: http://www.skatteverket.se/privat/skatter/alkoholskatt.4.71004e4c133e23bf6db800078754.html


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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 10 jun-12 kl 20:49 »
This is not what you ask'd for, but:
Mest Blues & Jazz i huvet. Bakmes&Snoa. Åså Country

Fanny Forager

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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #3 skrivet: 11 jun-12 kl 08:37 »
Thank you Christina for the information, we just may have to take a trip to Germany! Does anyone know where one can purchase vegetable glycerine for tinctures, also? It doesn't work for tougher extractions, but it does for many...and is an excellent way to tincture for kids and animals.

Lol Tinna, I hope it doesn't come down to that, but thanks so much for the link, I will keep it handy........just in case! :)

Are there any beekeepers out  there who sell their organic honey in 3-5 kg containers? I realize it is almost impossible to label most honey organic, as we cannot control the bees and where they fly :)  But I guess as organic as possible.....? Anyone?


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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #4 skrivet: 11 jun-12 kl 08:47 »
My bee's collect nectar from gardens in the village. I dont heat the honey up when extracting. Hörby, midle of the world.
Mest Blues & Jazz i huvet. Bakmes&Snoa. Åså Country

Fanny Forager

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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #5 skrivet: 11 jun-12 kl 11:45 »
Do you sell your honey, Tinna? You are not too far from us.


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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #6 skrivet: 11 jun-12 kl 13:18 »
I do. If you tell when, you get it dayfresh. Guess I shold'nt tell you, but.. if yuo put an advert here, you might not have to go far at all. Many beekeepers here, many against pesticids.
But I have mjöd as well, honeywine that gives you heaven at earth..
Mest Blues & Jazz i huvet. Bakmes&Snoa. Åså Country

Fanny Forager

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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #7 skrivet: 12 jun-12 kl 16:07 »
Thank you for the tip, I am uncertain how to post that....and where?

Could you message me your prices and quantity? I wouldn't mind a road trip to Hörby, it will just give me more places to stop and forage :)


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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #8 skrivet: 12 jun-12 kl 17:34 »
You'll find the wanted section here: http://www.alternativ.nu/index.php?board=45.0

Glycerine is available here: http://www.crearome.se/ not sure about the price.... (there is a pdf catalogue for download with prices.)
« Senast ändrad: 12 jun-12 kl 17:50 av sɹǝpuɐ »

Fanny Forager

  • Inlägg: 21
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #9 skrivet: 13 jun-12 kl 05:12 »
You'll find the wanted section here: http://www.alternativ.nu/index.php?board=45.0

Glycerine is available here: http://www.crearome.se/ not sure about the price.... (there is a pdf catalogue for download with prices.)

Perfect, thank you so much.....um.....upside-down Anders :) I really appreciate all of the help everyone!!



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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #10 skrivet: 15 jun-12 kl 00:03 »
If you want to buy glycerine without having to order it from the internet you can also buy it from any Apoteket-store or any of their competitors like "Kronans Droghandel" etc. You may find it under different names, for ex as "glycerol". Also some decent size flower shops may carry it, for making dry flowers.

Crearome has standard glycerol nr 6502 at 49 SKr for 250 ml and bio-certified glycerol nr 6501 for 85 SKr for 100 ml. Crearome is great but they are sometimes overpriced. The glycerol price is OK though, not counting freight costs. School suppliers are not much cheeper either. Good Luck with your tinctures!

/ CG
Demokrati: 2 vargar och 1 lamm röstar om lunchmenyn.
Frihet: Ett väl beväpnat lamm opponerar sig mot omröstningen.

Fanny Forager

  • Inlägg: 21
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #11 skrivet: 23 jun-12 kl 20:34 »
If you want to buy glycerine without having to order it from the internet you can also buy it from any Apoteket-store or any of their competitors like "Kronans Droghandel" etc. You may find it under different names, for ex as "glycerol". Also some decent size flower shops may carry it, for making dry flowers.

Crearome has standard glycerol nr 6502 at 49 SKr for 250 ml and bio-certified glycerol nr 6501 for 85 SKr for 100 ml. Crearome is great but they are sometimes overpriced. The glycerol price is OK though, not counting freight costs. School suppliers are not much cheeper either. Good Luck with your tinctures!

/ CG

I found one site in the UK but I think Crearome has even better prices.  Thank you for your kindness and help, Christina! :)


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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #12 skrivet: 23 jun-12 kl 21:14 »
Och välkommen till alternativ.nu, Fanny!  :D  (Så mycket svenska förstår du väl?)  :D
En får va gla att en ä sum en ä, när en nu ente ä sum en saa.

Fanny Forager

  • Inlägg: 21
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #13 skrivet: 11 jul-12 kl 20:09 »
Och välkommen till alternativ.nu, Fanny!  :D  (Så mycket svenska förstår du väl?)  :D

Tack, Trollmor! Jag förstår mer än jag kan prata ;) eller type :D

Fanny Forager

  • Inlägg: 21
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #14 skrivet: 11 jul-12 kl 20:12 »

Or, go to Germany and buy cheap booze... you can take large quantities back to Sweden with no problems (not sure if that goes for non-Swedish citizens, though).

edit: Information (in Swedish) here: http://www.skatteverket.se/privat/skatter/alkoholskatt.4.71004e4c133e23bf6db800078754.html

I couldn't bring up the link, said it didn't exist? Is that a link to tell me how much booze I can bring back from Germany?  ;D I hope so, because that's my next question! How much booze can I bring back from Germany? ;) My husband is Swedish, so I don't think the citizenship issue will be any problem.  Or, do you know where I can find that out? Which agency, etc?

Again, thanks Christina, you have been very kind and helpful!!!


  • Inlägg: 5562
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #15 skrivet: 11 jul-12 kl 20:30 »
I couldn't bring up the link, said it didn't exist? Is that a link to tell me how much booze I can bring back from Germany?  ;D I hope so, because that's my next question! How much booze can I bring back from Germany? ;) My husband is Swedish, so I don't think the citizenship issue will be any problem.  Or, do you know where I can find that out? Which agency, etc?

Very strange - the link works for me.  ???

Re alcohol from Germany: you may bring back an unlimited amount for your own private use i.e. for yourself and your family/household. If you plan to sell tinctures etc. I don't know what the rules are; you'll have to check with the Tullverket. www.tullverket.se

Fanny Forager

  • Inlägg: 21
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SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #16 skrivet: 13 jul-12 kl 19:35 »
Very strange - the link works for me.  ???

Re alcohol from Germany: you may bring back an unlimited amount for your own private use i.e. for yourself and your family/household. If you plan to sell tinctures etc. I don't know what the rules are; you'll have to check with the Tullverket. www.tullverket.se

Thank you for the link! I think it may be too cumbersome to sell alcohol based tinctures here.  Darn.  Glycerites it is, then ;) Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it very much!!


  • Inlägg: 5562
    • Västergötland
    • Elins trädgård
SV: Food grade alcohol for herbal tinctures?
« Svar #17 skrivet: 14 jul-12 kl 07:28 »
Thank you for the link! I think it may be too cumbersome to sell alcohol based tinctures here.  Darn.  Glycerites it is, then ;) Thanks again for your help, I appreciate it very much!!

Sweden has draconic alcohol laws, I'm afraid...  ::) esp. when it comes to selling the stuff. But there may be loopholes and ways of getting around the law, so don't give up!


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