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Författare Ämne:  How to work with Natural Farming in Sweden?  (läst 2585 gånger)


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How to work with Natural Farming in Sweden?
« skrivet: 08 feb-05 kl 16:46 »

I would like to write (in English, I hope that is ok), that I am really deeply interested to find out about how to work with Natural Farming, and Fukuoka's "methods" and approaches, in Sweden. I have been living in Stockholm for several years, and my family and work are based there. My hope is to be able to practice natural farming on a suitable space of land somewhere close to Stockholm, or at least "not too far"!

It would be wonderful to hear from people who are also working with or interested in natural farming, in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland (all climates and geographies that are similar).

Best wishes!
« Senast ändrad: 09 feb-05 kl 00:14 av admin »


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    • Södermanland
Re:How to work with Natural Farming in Sweden?
« Svar #1 skrivet: 12 feb-05 kl 15:52 »
Hi Aaron

Could tell me more about "Natural farming" and what the "trick" is.

I searched the net and found www.seedball.com, but is seems strange to me that the big thing is to toss a "seedball" to the ground, leave it and come back to harvest!

Maybe I am missing the point ;)?

All the best, Alba
Trädgårdsmästare, viltrehabiliterare, mångsysslare som bor med sambo, finaste dottern och två sällskapskaniner i ett litet torp vid vägs ände


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Re:How to work with Natural Farming in Sweden?
« Svar #2 skrivet: 24 feb-05 kl 16:04 »
Don't know if you already have a spot to cultivate in, but if you don't, here's my tip: get your own "kolonilott". A kolonilott is a small parch of land where you can grow your own...whatever...and it only costs around 500 SEK/year in fees. The catch is that you have to cew to get one, and in central Stockholm (Tantolunden for example) it could take up to 15 years. But suburban kolonilott's only takes 2-3 years or less.

Check out http://fssk.se/ for more info. I live in Vasastan and just started cewing, hoping to be able to get my own quinoa, hemp and carrots in a couple of years.

Good luck!

« Senast ändrad: 24 feb-05 kl 16:06 av Asfaltsbarn »


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